
There is no doubt that our world is in the throes of massive change as dreadful consequences and glorious expansion wreaks havoc at the same time!
TriUnia's mission is born of a lifetime of seeing all of earth's abundant and diverse lifeforms threatened. Of deeply loving the incredible beauty
and variety Earth supplies us whilst living here.
After years of dedicating to many avenues to help and prayers asking
'how can I help as many, as much as I can', the answer came - write!
Then, after writing and writing, TriUnia & her following books came to me
through one of my clients, in a most unexpected way! ;-)
Thus we endeavour to raise awareness of the Oneness that all things -
people, animals and earth - are connected.
From there to aid in raising funds for those already working so very hard
to make a difference in so many ways.
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Current Fundraisers
CLICK HERE to access your Promotional Material by entering your special code.

Thankyou so much for working with us and making it possible to achieve so much more for our earth and all her inhabitants.
Gratitude pouring for the tireless dedication you give to change the devastation and bring about the harmony, deLIGHT and abundance
we all know we could have in our world!
Coming Monday!!!

Our Fabulous Fundraisers that we happily Support.

Hoody's Helpers was set up to help Graham Hood, the Australian Pilot who had a 53 year career in Aviation. He walked away standing strong in his beliefs and has been inundated with people in crisis. His website and social media pages are run by kindhearted souls with an open ear and will point you towards professional help and volunteers in your local community, anywhere in Australia if you are in need of assistance.
Kyogle Environmental Group (KEG) is a voluntary collective that aims to engage and inform everyone on local, national and international environmental issues.
Visit their Facebook page for environmental updates, educational articles and good news stories.